Friday, May 5, 2017

Classroom and Activities

Welcome to my classroom students. As you enter you will notice our class schedule on the board. We will start our morning routine by unstacking the chairs, then the class will meet on the rug to say our good morning and go over our schedule. Then we will work in groups on our S.M.A.R.T. Time on the computers. Before going to lunch, we will start our reading workshop, which will included interactive stories.  After lunch, we will move onto our math workshop, where you will be working individually with your workbooks.  When we are all done with that, we will have activities, such as song follow along or video watching. Next, we will have snacks while we read aloud from the class story book. Afterwards, each of you will write about what you thought about happened in the story we just read. Then RECESS !!! At the time when you get back from recess, each of you get a book from our in classroom library which you will read silently before getting ready for dismissal.

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